Monday, March 7, 2011

Windy's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1 Grade 7 Integer Review
(+4) + (-2) = +2
Positive (4) and Negative (2) = positive 2
have 4 and owe 2 = have 2

Standard Form:
4 - 2 = -2
Make zero pairs:
-16 = +16, -5 = + 5, +6 = -6, -2 = +2, -10 = +10,+3 = -3,+1
1 = -11, -9 = +9

Chapter 2
Multiplying Integers
(-2) x (+3)
(+3) x (-2) = -6
remove 2 groups of (+3) --> use zero pairs remove and...

(+2) x (+3) = +6
2 groups of (+3) = +6

(-2) x (
-3) = +6
remove 2 groups of (-3) = +6

(2) x (+3) = -6
2 groups of (-3) = -6

Sign Rule (negative signs)
Even - When you have an even number of NEGATIVE factors the product is POSITIVE.
ODD - When you have an odd number of NEGATIVE factors the product

Chapter 3 Division Integers

Partitive Division:

Quotative Division:

Sign Rule for Division:

Chapter 4: Order of Operations with Integers
How I would solve this problem is first follow BEDMAS I would first put brackets on (-6) ÷ (-3) so it would look like this [(6) ÷ (-3)] and you would get an answer of -2 then I solved (+5) x (-3) = -15 So then I added -15 + -2 = -17

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