Monday, March 7, 2011

Mike's Great Big Book of Integers

Chapter 1
Grade 7 Integer Review:

This means you have a zero pair

(+6) + (-2) = +4
Positive 6 and Negative 2 = Positive 4
You have 6 and you owe 2 = have 4

Making Zero Pairs:








Chapter 2
Multiplying Integers:

Even: When you have a even number of negative factors the product is positive.
Odd: When you have a odd number of negative the product is negative.

2 groups of (-3)=(-6)

2 groups of (+3)=(+6)

2 groups of (+3)=-6

2 groups of (-3)=6

Chapter 3
Dividing integers:

If you have no negative or an even number of negative signs in a division question, the quotient is positive.

There are 2 types of division:
One of them is,
Partitive division:
Partitive division is making parts.
6 divided by 2= 3

6 divided by -2= -3

The Other on is,
Quotative division:
Quotative division is sharing your total, with groups.
(-6) divided by 2= -3

6 divided by (-2)= +3

Chapter 4
Order Of Operations:
Use Badmas.
B =stands for brackets
E =stands for exponents
D =stands for division
M =stands for multiplication
A =stands for addition
S =stands for subtraction
First solve any brackets, then exponents, then any divide, then multiply, then add, and lastly, subtract.

If I had to solve this problem:
(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3)=
First I would put brackets around, (-6)÷(+3). Then solve it.
Now the question would be:
(+5) x (-3) + (-2)=
Using the BEDMAS rules, exponents are next, but there is none. So we move on to multiplication:
(+5) x (-3)= (-15)
The question is now:
(-15) + (-2)=
Lastly you will answer it:
(-15) + (-2)= (-17)

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