Friday, October 29, 2010

Nino's Sesame Street Video

Group Members: Demvry, Nino

Part 1:

Two term ratio : Compares 2 quantities measured in the same units. (a:b)
Three term ratio : Compares 3 quantities measured in the same units. (a:b:c)
Part to part ratio : Compares different parts of a group to each other. (a:b, 2:5)
Part to whole ratio : Compares one part of the group to the whole group. It can be written as a fraction, decimal, & percent. (b:all letters, 5:8)
Rate; Compares 2 quantities measured in different units (2km/2hr)
Proportion reasoning : A relationship that says that 2 rates or ratios are equal. It can be written in fraction form. (2/3 = 6/9. (x3)

Part 2:
The Original Video:
The Martians Discover a Book

The Martians and The Math Book


  1. GREAT JOB NINO! I liked the way you used bold fonts to make important words stand-out. Next time, try to make your fonts a little bit bigger. Other than that, good job and keep it up!

  2. Good job, Nino! I liked how you bolded the important words. Next time, try to make your font a little larger.
