Sunday, October 17, 2010

Angel's Sesame Street Video

Group Members:
Marilen and Angel

Part 1:
Two term ratio; Compares 2 quantities measured in the same units. [ a:b ]
Three term ratio; Compares 3 quantities measured in the same units. [ a:b:c ]
Part to part ratio; Compares different parts of a group to each other. [ a:b, 2:5 ]
Part to whole ratio; Compares one part of the group to the whole group. It can be written as a fraction, decimal, & percent. [ b:all letters, 5:8 ]

Rate; Compares 2 quantities measured in different units [ 2km/2hr ]
Unit rate; A rate where the second rate is 1 [ 9 dollars/ 1hr ]
Unit price; Used when shopping [ 10 dollars/10mL ]

Proportional Reasoning; A relationship that says that 2 rates or ratios are equal. It can be written in fraction form. [ 2/3 = 6/9. (x3) ]

Part Two:
The Original Video
" Elmo's Song ";


This video is about Elmo showing Big Bird and Snuffie a song he composed.

Part Three:
Our Remake of ' Elmo's Song '
" The Ratio, Rates, & Proportion Song "


Our remake video was composing the definitions of Ratios, Rates, & Proportions into the tune of Elmo's song.


  1. GREAT JOB ANGEL! I liked the way you used different color to make words stand out, but next time try to use different color cause the color you chose is hard to see. Nice video :)

  2. GREAT JOB ANGHEL! I liked the way the used variety of colors to your scribe and that you filled out the space, but next time, try using a bigger font ;D

  3. GREAT JOB! Your video and scribe are really neat and they both turned out really good. Keep it up!:)
