Sunday, January 16, 2011

Trish's Final Percent Post

Percent means out of 100. It is also another name for hundredths and can also be written as a fraction or decimal.

Example : 90 % = 0.9= 90/100

Representing Percents

- You can represent percent by shading squares on a hundred grid.
-To represent a percent greater than 100 % shade in 2 hundred grids.
-To represent a fractional percent between 0% and 1 % shade in a part of the square.
-To represent a fractional percent greater than 1 % you have to shade squares from the grid to show the whole number, then shade a part of a square from the grid to show the fraction.

( Just click the image above to see it, Sorry, I didn't know that it will be this small )
Fractions, Decimals and Percents

Percents can be represented as Fractions or Decimals

Example : 50 % = 0.50 = 50 /100

Percent of a Number

- You can use Mental Math Strategies such as Halving, Doubling, and Dividing by 10 to find the percent of some numbers.

To calculate the percent of a number, write the percent as a decimal then multiply by the number.

Example :
50 % of 150 =

0.50 x 150 = 75

Combining Percents

- Adding percents can be solve problems, Example : 3 % + 7 % = 10 %

- To calculate the increase in a number, add the combined percents to the original number.
Example :

15 % of 60 =
0.15 x 60 = 9
60 +9 = 69

- Or multiply the original number by a single percent greater than 100 %
Example :

15 % of 60
1.15 x 60 = 69

Percents of percents can be used to determine amounts that result from consecutive percent increases or decreases.

Percent Review Video :

During this unit, I did this post about PERCENT =


Links -



  1. Trish, You have a good scribe post, i like how you use color on your headings and examples. I also like how you used a picture to show that you know, and how you put in brackets ' click on picture' to make it bigger, that was very helpful. I also like how you added links to videos and to websites, so we can learn more about percents. This scribe post helped me alot, thanks.

  2. Great job Trish! I agree with Mike. I really like how you put important words into different colour.
    Plus, you added links and videos. This will really help someone about percents. Keep it up!:)

  3. Great job, Trish! I liked how you added a lot of colour, but in the proper places. Also, you added more than one link! I'm impressed. Keep it up!

  4. Good job Trish. You used alot of colour which was very good. The text was easy to read too. Great job.

  5. GREAT JOB TRISH! I liked the way you used considerable number of colours. Also, you added in pictures,video, and links. Keep up the good work !
