For numbers 1, 3 and 5, I used Zero pairs because I have to find something that isn't there, while for numbers 2 and 4m I just added them up because they have the same sign.
*This is for the 5th question, I forgot to take a picture of it so when I was done with the collage one this was not included to it *
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Chapter 2 Multiplying Integers

1 ) Standard Form : 2 (3) =63
OR 2 groups of (+3) = +6
+++ +++ = +6
2) Remove 2 groups of -3
--- --- = -6
3) Remove 2 groups of ( +3) = -6
* 3 groups of -2
4) Remove 2 groups of -3
+++ +++
- - - - - - ( REMOVE )
You'll get +6
Sign Rules ( Negative Signs ):
When numbers of negative signs are EVEN the answer is going to be POSITIVE.
When numbers of negative signs are ODD the answer is going to be NEGATIVE.
CHAPTER 3 Dividing Integers
Partitive division or like making parts.
Quotitive division or sharing.
Multiplicative Inverse
is when you can't explain division.
-4 / 2 = -2
ODD number of NEGATIVE SIGNS, the quotient is NEGATIVE.
EVEN number of NEGATIVE SIGNS , the quotient is POSITIVE.
* You like my pajamas ? ;) *
Order of Operations With Integers
(+5) x (-3) + (-6) ÷ (+3) = -17
To get the answer :
You multiply first, then divide then add, and continue from left to right.
^ What Harbeck said.
So you first start with the multiplication, which is " (+5) x (-3) " for this question, and then, you'll get -15, you then go next to the division part, which is " ( -6) ÷ ( + 3) " and the answer is +2.
You then add -15 and +2 in which will equals to - 17.
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